It can come from anywhere. A quote, a picture, a simple random thought. And it's happening constantly. Every moment of every day, you're being bombarded with sensory overload- any one input perhaps holding the key to sparking a fire.
How to you manage that?
First, you have to be open. You have to be aware, alert, and accepting of these new ideas and perspectives. You have to acknowledge them.
Second, you have to be discriminating. You can't waste time trying to coddle a bad idea. Let those go- the quicker the better. Push them out to make room for the new ones that hold more promise.
How will you know when it's the right one? You'll feel it. If all you can do is rationalize, if all you can do is analyze- you're doing it wrong. The best inspiration doesn't hit us rationally. It hits us emotionally. It sparks us. Kindle those fires. They will burn brightest.
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