"Stress in life comes from making things more important than they really are. Failure comes from making things less important than they really are." ~ Tony Robbins
"A man with experience is never at the mercy of a man with an opinion." ~ Dave Ramsey
"You can't build a reputation on what you're going to do" ~ Henry Ford
"The only way to coast is downhill" ~ Zig Ziglar
"True leadership only exists if people follow when they have the freedom not to" ~ Jim Collins
"Lack of direction, not lack of time is the problem. We all have 24 hours in a day." ~ Zig Ziglar
"Most people will choose unhappiness over uncertainty" ~ Tim Ferriss
"One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time" ~ Andre Gide
"Things that look like shortcuts are usually detours disguised as less work" ~ Seth Godin
And here's one from me-
"My goal is to be the dumbest person I know."
It's up to each of us to surround ourselves and fill our minds with good things. Put good in, get good out. Every day I make sure to put quotes like these and so many more into my thinking because I know that it will help me stay true to my mission. And if I do it right, I will surround myself with so many smart people and good ideas, that maybe a few of them will stick. Because, frankly, if I'm the smartest person I know then I've reached the end of my ability to grow.
What are you doing each day to be influenced by someone smarter than you?
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