There is a big difference. A Trainer might also be a Subject Matter Expert. But a Subject Matter Expert is not necessarily a Trainer.
Don't make the mistake of putting the person who knows the most at the front of the room. If they're too technical or too detailed, you'll lose the knowledge transfer. A Trainer's expertise is in taking a complex subject and making it simple and digestible. Subject Matter Experts have to be complex. They deal with nuance and details and fix the things that only someone with intimate knowledge can.
Put it this way... Hank Haney is not the greatest golfer in the world. But he trains the best golfers in the world. And the best golfers in the world couldn't do what Hank Haney does. Teaching and doing are separate skill sets.
So when you're trying to figure out who is best to deliver your content, don't assume it's the person with the most knowledge. Don't worry about who can do it best; find the one who can explain it best.